Name: Brian L Child (Known as Brains)
Location: Dogs Trust HQ, London
Job: Information technology Manager
You what...? As the IT manager I get to try out all the new technologies (Boys Toys) and if I think that Dogs Trust can benefit from them we all get to play. There is also a lot of detective work when trying to find the source of a problem
Best thing about my job: Meeting all sorts of people and new toys.
Pets: At my house, I have tropical fish
Favourite websites: A lot of guitar links and film making links
What I'm reading now: Silvertown – a story about London just before the second world war
Weekend plans: Out taking photographs and eating out with the grand children.
Previous Meet Dogs Trust: Alexandra Roumbas | Denise Gilgallon
Oooh arr, ye landlubber!
nice to meet you mr.
Any pieces of kit in particular that've impressed lately?
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