Tuesday 4 November 2008

Happy Dog Stories: Mrs. Blossom Willoughby tells all about TV stardom!

Mrs. Blossom Willoughby discusses fame, fortune and the BBC...
Well, what an exciting time it’s been! Imagine me, Blossom from Kenilworth, who was rehomed three times, appearing on National TV to discuss Dog Trust’s Canine Charter for Human Health! I knew something was apaw when Trish, that’s my human, woke me up in the middle of the night and started doing my hair and nails. Now I enjoy a pampering session as much as the next dog, but getting me up at 3:30 a.m!!

All was explained when a strange car pulled into our drive at around 5 a.m. I noticed the lights way before Trish did – humans are so unobservant – and knowing my duty, I barked the house down. Anyway, next thing I know, I’m plonked in the car on Trish’s lap, and we’re whisked away into the night. Before I know what’s wagging, I’m being chauffeur driven through security at the BBC, and escorted to the Green Room. A bit overwhelming at first, lots of humans admiring me and wanting to see me – wait a minute, I thought! Who is that bloke and why is he calling me Blossom? It’s Mrs. Willoughby to you, mate! Time for a bit of barking here, I think!

Then, next I knew, Trish was introducing me to Clarissa Baldwin herself! I nearly wagged my tail off! Blossom, I said to myself, you’re meeting all the greats today! Then Sally Wright arrived, and what a lot of fussing I enjoyed. The humans then were taken to make up – obviously with my good looks and star quality I didn’t need any – and before you could wag your tail it was lights, camera, action, and there I was, Mrs. Blossom Willoughby, live from London in every sitting room across the British Isles! Trish explained how I help her to feel better when she is sad or poorly – wow, I thought, I’m a healer and never realised it! All the time Clarissa and Trish were barking – I mean talking – to the presenters the cameras were full on ME!

Finally, we said goodbye to our new friends from Dogs Trust, and back home we went. I was glad to see my basket – I was exhausted with all the sniffing and barking I had to do. Anyway, hope you managed to catch my TV debut; now I wonder … they’ll soon be looking for a new Bond Girl. Wonder should I apply????

Barks and wags

From Blossom Willoughby (Mrs)

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