Monday, 15 March 2010

Meet Dogs Trust: Deana Selby and Daniel the Spaniel

We're all excited about adding some new content to this blog in the coming weeks. You already hear from Alex and Lo quite a bit, but soon you'll be seeing occasional videos and other bits and pieces from the lovely Deana, so we thought she'd better introduce herself! And Daniel, of course.

Deana Selby

Job: Publications Manager

Location: desk on the fluorescent bathed first floor, head office

Best thing about my job: Getting to read all the letters and emails from Wag readers who are so delighted with their dogs, newbies and old-timers alike, that they simply have to tell someone about it. It’s a privilege to share someone’s dog-joy. I’m also a sort of canine agony aunt and spend time replying to bereaved dog owners, and although you may think this sounds a little strange I feel honoured to do so. Plus, getting to look at photos of dogs all day AND getting paid for it – what’s not to love?

Pets: Daniel the non-specific Spaniel. He’s the Speckled Prince of Barkness, you know.

Favourite websites: for reams of rheumy-eyed, grey-muzzled oldsters needing love. I’m also secretly addicted to Danny Baker on BBC Radio London, but I’m aware this doesn’t count as a website.

What I’m reading now: The entire oeuvre of Dr Seuss, Lauren Bacall’s autobiography By Myself and Then Some, Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy by Lyndley Dodd.

Weekend plans: Getting excited about seeing Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, and dog/kids/dog/kids/dog/kids ad infinitum.

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