On Tuesday, we had some optional workshops and group visits to a local shelter for early registrants. These activities proved very popular and kept everyone busy until our group welcome dinner at the Velka Klaserni restraurant located just by the stunning Strahov Monastery. With the ice broken and the delegates familiar, the next two days went by in a flash!
We would like to thank our speakers, Luke Gamble (Worldwide Veterinary Service), Scott Spencer (Dogs Trust), Mike Radford & Chris Laurence (Dogs Trust), Ian MacFarlaine (Cats Protection), Mike Arms (Helen Woodward Animal Center), Ray Butcher (Veterinarian), Sara Turetta (Save the Dogs), Sarah Fisher (Tellington Touch), Adam Kirtley (Hand Made Productions), Joy Lee & Elli Hiby & Harry Eckman (WSPA), David Newall (Dogs Trust), Trevor Cooper (solicitor), Maggie Roberts (Cats Protection), Jeff Young (veterinarian), Charlotte Speedy & Laurier Nicas (Dogs Trust), Roger Mugford (The Company of Animals), Carolyn Menteith (behaviourist), and Liz Teal. Such a wide array of topics and backgrounds, and they were all absolutely fantastic and inspiring. Thank you for your wisdom and your words!
We would also like to thank our attendees who travelled from far and wide! Thank you so much for making your way to Prague and we truly hope that we were able to offer you the insight and knowledge you were hoping for.
If anyone is interested in attending next year's ICAWC, keep checking the ICAWC website for updates on 2011! Also, you can e-mail for more details or with any questions.
Now, did you attend this year? Can you see yourself in any of the snaps below? We'll have more photos on Flickr soon!

Been there and loved it!
Fred Steenbergen
The Netherlands
(actually now looking for the presentations :-)
This was our 2nd year at the conference and it was even better than our first . We both learnt a huge amount that will help us with our work in Sri Lanka and had the most fantastic few days talking to the most amazing people working in every area of animal welfare, really looking forward to next year already
Sam and Mark Green
Sri Lanka
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