Tuesday, 4 January 2011

2011 starts out terribly for Evesham and Frosty

Staff at the Dogs Trust Rehoming Centre in Evesham arrived at work this morning to find there had been a break-in and a dog named Frosty had been stolen - a two-year-old cream male Lurcher described as a leggy lad and quite distinctive.

Frosty has been microchipped and reported as stolen, so any vet or dog warden who scans him in the future will be able to identify him and return him to Dogs Trust.

Canine carers believe Frosty will be moved quickly out of the area so have asked local people to be particularly vigilant in looking out for him in the next few days. Anyone with information about the break in or with suspected sightings of the Lurcher should call the Rehoming Centre directly on: 01386 830613

Chris Slight, Manager at the Rehoming Centre said:

“Frosty came to us as a stray three weeks ago and is an affectionate lovely lad; this is terribly sad as the thieves have taken away Frosty’s second chance of finding a new home. We are urging other dog owners and members of the public to keep an eye out for Frosty as we want to see him returned as soon as possible.”


Dancin Fool said...

That is such awful news and I am trying not to fear the worst. My heart goes out to all the staff who must be so upset. If there is anything that can be done to help please say.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would anyone break into a dogs home to steal a dog when all they have to do is walk into a rescue center and offer him a home.
I hope that who ever has done this will not be harming him in anyway as he looks a beautiful dog I hope is found safe and sound.

Brook Ellis said...

Poor Frosty! I'll definately keep an eye out for him!

ChoyYeen Crolla said...

So sorry to hear this, hope you will find Frosty soon and no harm comes to him. Good luck, and despite of this......I like to wish you all at Dogs Trust and my froster dog Moyet at Shoreham,a happy new year .
ChoyYeen Crolla

Anonymous said...

Do you not have someone at your rescue centres 24/7?

Anonymous said...

Just hope they will look after Frosty .

jill brown said...

i'm sorry to hear about your break in and i really do hope that you get frosty back safe and sound, xx

Anonymous said...

what a terrible thing to happen. My heart goes out to poor Frosty. I only hope to God he is being well treated. Whoever took him I hope 2011 is your worst year EVER !

Dogs Trust said...

Yes, we always have staff on site 24/7 but unfortunately this took place in the middle of the night.

P Taylor said...

One went missing from Lakeside as well yesterday: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_sports/darts/9334444.stm

sportsbikesuk said...

people keep saying why didnt they just rescue him...obviously because theres a motive for taking him! Maybe the type of people who took him wouldnt have been suitable to rehome frosty,as we all know these dogs are used for hair coursing especially at this time of year,i wish there was something i could do and i really really wish frosty a safe return,this is sad news,keep up the good work dogs trust.

Anonymous said...

News like this just reinforces my belief that there are truly some nasty people in this world. I pray for the poor dogs safety and hope he is returned to you safe, cared for and unharmed swiftly.

Anonymous said...

so was someone there or not ??? These dogs are in your trust ...they shouldnt be left where they can get stolen...i used to donate via bank account direct to dogs trust but got sick of them ringing me up mithering for more money...hope you find your dog...he looks like a nice dog

Anonymous said...

It's terrible that someone would do that when dogs are so easily available to adopt from rescues and charities all over the country and especially at this time of year. I hope Frosty is found safe and the extra exposure finds him a happy home and I hope whoever did this is ashamed of themselves, caught and dealt with!

Anonymous said...

This isn't the first time lurchers have been stolen from this rescue centre. Its a shame that security hasn't been improved.

Unknown said...

I do hope Frosty is found safe & well very soon :D xxxxmonsvogi

Anonymous said...

Surely there should be someone on site at all times & alarm systems,
Poor Frosty hope ure found safe & well,x

Anonymous said...

Yet again a lurcher type has been stolen. I have 2 greyhounds and work for a greyhound rescue charity. We all too often see these type of dogs being stolen to order. The awful thing is they will probably used and abused. Dog Lost is a brilliant way of tracing lost or stolen dogs and operates Nationwide although I am sure Dogs Trust have something similar. Might be worth a punt though. Good luck in finding Frosty and I hope the outcome is a good one and he is returned safely back to DT.

Billy said...

So sorry to hear about this, someone will be trying to work this dog illegally or sell it to be worked...
Hope he comes back to you and finds a good loving home...

Anonymous said...

have posted this on facebook wall and several friends have also cross posted. I hope he is safe well and loved wherever he is

Anonymous said...

If the person who stole Frosty wanted a dog that bad why did they not wait until the centre was open!!! Please whoever has teken him for whatever reason return him to Dogs Trust so that they can re-home him properly. Frosty - stay safe baby xxxx

Ava Dog said...

Couldn't agree more about the Dog Lost website from the above post. If Frosty isn't already on there, the site is www.doglost.co.uk and it will go out to a larger audience. The people behind the site are great for coming up with suggestions although I guess the Dogs Trust staff will be well aware too. Good luck at getting Frosty back unharmed.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a lovely boy. I had a lurcher that was a stray and he had been a gypsy dog, before he was found as a stray. I have heard that some gypsy population who have has animals taken by the RSPCA have broken in to the centre to retrieve their animals back, as they seem to think they are above the law.
I hope you manage to find him and get him to a safe happy home, that he deserves.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for you and Frosty. Hope he's found safe and well soon. Keep up the good work. Love V and Hula (the rescue beagle).

Trisha said...

It doesn't help DT to go on about whether someone was there or not, people break into houses and steal stuff while the occupants are asleep upstairs, do you want the DT people to patrol all night? Maybe they do, and maybe they don't, but I do know that they do the best for the dogs in their care, and if you feel there should be more assistance in the dark hours perhaps you should volunteer to stay awake and patrol all night to protect the dogs, rather than criticise - anonymously. I just hope Frosty is found safe and well.

Anonymous said...

Dogs Trust charge £80 -£100 to adopt a dog (covers vet check, vaccination, neutering and microchip) maybe someone found out about the cost, couldn't afford it and decided to steal.... :-(

Jake1 said...

Hope that poor Frosty is found soon . This type of dog are being stolen to use for hunting . I doubt very much that anyone stole him for a pet . His one saving grace is that he is micro-chipped . Wondering if he had been neutered ? as they have no use for a neutered dog . There has recently been a lot of thefts of this type of dog . Warning to all sighthound owners please be extra vigilent with your dogs .I have 2 greyhounds and have had people stop me on several occasion and ask me far too many questions about them . Always say your dog is too old or arthritic to race or hunt if anyone asks even if they are perfectly fine ... you can never be too careful .

Anonymous said...

I do hope Frosty is found safe and well, and very soon, keeping everything crossed for his safe return.

e-vigilante said...

I don't know if Frosty came from a council kennels. Thet is also the fact that the owners broke in because they could not afford the Kenneling fees.
As people who think that just because the Dog has microchip should keep in touch with current trends. Google 'How to remove a microchip'and it will be explained to you.
I am affraid the credibility of the microchip does not have the same impact. Going back to the theives if they went to the Dog Trust, they due to current stupid legislation are now not the legal owners. The only way to get your beloved pet back is steal it or part with a accumalative cost of over £150. I think it is time you looked at these action from a different angle, and have an very open mind

Poppywood said...

staff must be devastated and my heart goes out to them AND to the lovely Frosty, I hope he is found, safe and sound, very quickly. All my Dogs Trust dogs send love to the caring staff there. Poppywood xxxx

Anonymous said...

Better security costs a lot of money they probably don't have so sniping now is a waste of time. POOR staff AND poor Frosty, I do hope he is found quickly and safely.Love to all the canine carers there, who allowed Winnie,(now Lylie) Barney and Mason to come to live with me

Anonymous said...

why would you EVER steal a dog from a dog shelter!! WHY! if you want to adopt a dog then just ask! why wold you ever think of stealing the poor thing. i could only imagine the dog trying to struggle and escape from the thief. god please help find frosty!!!!!

amerwee said...

What a terrible thing to have happened, you have my sympathy. I have two rescue greyhounds so know that this type of dog make the most marvellous companions as do all dogs if given love and time to know what being in a home is all about. Unfortunately whoever stole Frosty will not want him for a pet. I hope he is found safe and well soon. x x

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 17:33.

1) Although there will be people there 24/7, the numbers there during the night will be considerably fewer than during the day;
2) I donate regularly to DT through my bank account and NOT ONCE in 30-odd years have they rung me for more money. Are you sure you've got the right charity?

Anonymous said...

.. agree with 8.56 - i have never been pestered for more money, unlike other charities ! The only time DT contacted me was to check how i was coping with a difficult re-home.

colliebird said...

Is it possible the original owner(s) has stolen the dog? Having worked in rescue shelters and dog pounds, I know there are people who haven't/couldn't pay the fees to recuperate their dog and have broken in to steal it back.
Just a thought

Valerie RJ

hayley b said...

what about CCTV??? surely they would have been caught on that, and if people are on the site all times surely they would have heard something?? I think a staff meeting should be arranged and have night watchers on the go at all times..

Anonymous said...

Really sorry to read this.
I've cross posted to LurcherLink in case he ends up there, or seen by any LurcherLinkers who are good people in the business of rehoming unfortunate lurchers.
Hoping he will be found and returned to have a chance of finding a good home.
Hugs Frosty from me and my rescued Tara

francesca said...

it's very suspicious, because surely at a break-in, the dogs would have started barking at a stranger, but prehaps not at someone they know- just saying.
and if they would have barked, the nearby houses would have gone to see what the fuss was about. It all sounds very odd, but still so sad :'(

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan and supporter of Dogs Trust but I dont understand this. Surely the alarms would have sounded and the dogs would have been barking. Did none of this wake the staff?? This is not the first time dogs have been stolen from Dogs Trust Evesham. Security needs improving urgently!

Anonymous said...

That's awful, c'mon Dogs Trust, up your security, shouldn't have happened. God knows what will happen to that poor trusting dog :/ Makes my blood run cold, we all know the type who steal Lurchers.

Good Dog said...

Oh my goodness! How cruel! Poor pup - I hope he finds his way home and safe!

Dogs Trust said...

Thank you for your messages and concern about Frosty. The safety and security of our dogs and staff is very important us and we make sure that all our kennels and rehoming centres are locked and secure overnight. Further to this, there are staff who live at each of our centres which means that someone is on site 24/7.

Dogs Trust Evesham is one of our older centres and covers a very large site. The centre buildings are alarmed but on the night that Frosty was stolen they did not sound. We are investigating this and are planning to update these facilities in the very near future. High tech security measures are a major priority. We thank you again for your messages and for spreading the word about Frosty.

matt said...

thats soooo sad to hear..i hope the leggy lady is found a soon as possible. me and my pitbull motley will look out

check Motley out at www.motleysjourney.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

has Frosty been found yet?