Thursday, 28 October 2010

Daniel nominates CEO Clarissa for Mail's Inspirational Women of the Year

From time to time our office pooch, Daniel the Spaniel features on this blog. Today, he's completely taking over! He's got a message to share, folks! He really wants his best mate, Dogs Trust CEO, Clarissa Baldwin to win the Daily Mail's Inspirational Women of the Year Awards. He also wants to let you in on some gossip from behind the scenes on the photoshoot (and that fantastic candid photo above):

“Morning all, I’ve just been asked for my autograph on my morning walk in the woods today. I’ve been recognised because I’m on page 75 of today’s Daily Mail, being hugged by the big boss, Clarissa Baldwin.

Although the article is ostensibly about Clarissa and her tireless work saving dogs’ lives, and we both look nice in the photo (my ears look particularly fluffy) I thought I’d share with you the real behind the scenes gossip.

I’d been rushed off my paws all day at work, what with welcoming visitors to the office, barking at two new office dogs (hello Baggins and Huffle) and chomping six custard creams someone had thoughtfully left on their desk for me (sorry Adam.)

So imagine my surprise when my owner told me I had to do a photo shoot right at the end of the day. I was most put out about my ears and chest having to be groomed on a non–designated grooming day, then - insult to injury – was told I would have to sit still and smile nicely for the camera.

I had a better idea. When the photographer asked me to sit still I ran around the roof terrace, and when the big boss asked me to sit nicely on her lap I decided to run away and bark my head off. I thought it was very funny, but the humans looked a bit serious.

I’m pleased that after all my mucking about the photo came out nicely in the end though. Most importantly, I was handsomely rewarded with some yummy gravy bones. I’m just waiting for the paparazzi to start following me around now!”

You can read the whole article and nominate Clarissa today here on the Daily Mail website.

Pictures credit: Jenny Goodall, Daily Mail

1 comment:

Sue Cole said...

Having met Clarissa I have seen, first hand, what a wonderfully caring and inspirational person she is. I would never hesitate to support any nomination for this special award. Clarissa is amazing! I know that if I email her, before 7am, I will get a reply, usually before 8am! She has been a wonderful supporter of my school's animal action club, called S.O.F.A. (Speaking Out For animals, very kindly agreeing to become one of the club's patrons and I am truly delighted to see this nomination!