Tuesday 8 July 2008

Dangerous Dachshunds? Dogs Trust responds to "aggressive breed" list

In response to the results of a University of Pennsylvania survey into the most aggressive dog breeds, Clarissa Baldwin CEO of Dogs Trust comments:
“While some people say that the voices of little dogs can be louder than those of large ones; a properly trained dog is unlikely to show aggression regardless of its breed. The manner in which a dog is reared and trained is the greatest factor that influences the likelihood of aggression. This is why owners have a responsibility to train and supervise their dogs properly. Aggression is not inherent in any breed and properly trained Dachshunds make fantastic family pets.”
We urge the public not to punish particular breeds for the actions of irresponsible owners.


Anonymous said...

I think most Dachshund, like the terriers they are, are opinionated dogs. But like all of us, they reflect their upbringing. My two are friendly, outgoing, people seeking, kid friendly albeit a bit yappy. I love their independent nature. I also spend a lot of time working, read "playing" with them. They get a bit rough with the cat when he leaps on top of them off the table, but that is it.


Scuba here from Desert Pups just wanting to say that if humans would take the time to train their dogs the number of what is considered "aggressive breeds" would drop and both humans and dogs would be alot happier.