What’s got four legs, a wagging tail, an appetite for fun and a serious need for reputational rehab? The Staffordshire Bull terrier:
Here are my top reasons to love a Stafford:
- Wide smile – so entertaining
- Fat butt / whippy tail combination
- Always delighted to see you
- Very energetic – except when asleep
- Great with kids
- Can shimmy from to of head to tip of tail when happy
- Dark beady eyes
- They look especially fetching when grey around the muzzle
- Extremely affectionate
- They have SUCH a big character
I’d love to hear your reasons too...
Photo courtesy of Andy Catterall
I don't have a Staffy, but I know several who live nearby - I think they're gorgeous dogs, full of character. But sadly, as ever, people are blaming dogs instead of their owners.
Staffies and English Bull Terriers all get a bad reputation, its completely unfair. They are beautiful dogs with stunning personalities and when raised properly are perfect obedient friendly dogs. My friends owned a rescued EBT who was deaf, and she was so soppy and loved cuddles more than anything in the world. They are brilliant dogs!!
It's a pity people don't pay more attention to the responsible owners of Staffies and what their nickname is and less to media scare mongering. My daughter has 2 Staffies, I have 2 Staffy cross dogs and I've never had such loving and attentive companions. Just because they're bull terriers doesn't mean they're nasty. Deed not breed as far as I'm concerned. It's the bad owners who need seeing to.
I do agree with you. The only problem with Staffie is the idiot on the other end of the lead. They are very affectionate and gentle creatures. Beautiful little bundles of enthusiasm for life and loyalty to their families.
The real staffie is a lovely friendly family dog,but nasty people with a bad agenda are mixing the staffie with other bull breeds,not caring for them properly,and causing all these problems for the breed,so many in rescue centres! Not every tom dick and harry should be alowed to breed dogs,something must be done about the people not the innocent dogs! THE PEOPLE!
Last week we got a rescue Staffie from our local RSPCA....having lost our other dog at Christmas.
He is an absolute joy to be around...so loving and happy with a never ending waggy tail!!!
the best thing has got to be the fabulous Staffie smile and Staffie kisses, Im getting loads of them at the moment!! Staffies are so affectionate and they really dont deserve any of the bad press that they get, more often than not its irresponsible dog owners that are in the wrong and not the Staffies
I love my staffies for seperate but equally lovely reasons. George is young, bouncy and always smiling! he loves people so much and was unwanted at 6mnths old so we took him in. He had never had a walk! Our older staffy x, phoebe, is more reserved but still lively! She was rescued by us after being found wandering on the road- she was the skinniest dog I have ever seen! Since then she has built up a healthy coat (and body fat) and loves being warm under her dog blanket. Could not imagine our family life without them, I am always finding myself standing up for our staffies! About time the ignorance stopped.
The real staffie is a lovely friendly family dog,but nasty people with a bad agenda are mixing the staffie with other bull breeds,not caring for them properly,and causing all these problems for the breed,so many in rescue centres! Not every tom dick and harry should be alowed to breed dogs,something must be done about the people not the innocent dogs! THE PEOPLE!
My reasons for loving staffies, all of the above..
1. They are permanently happy
2. They're soft as butter
3. When you're having a down day they seem to know it and come to cheer you up
4. They're daft as a brush
5. They take up all the bed and snore...oops maybe not such a plus point!
Simple reply to wrap it all up in 1, they dont get the nickname "the Nanny Dog" for nothin I'd trust my dog's to look after my children much rather than a babysitter or nanny if it was legal :D, Staffy's til I die
Absolutely 100% agree...don't judge the dog, judge the idiot on the other end of the lead. This is a fabulous breed and one of only TWO recommended by the Kennel Club as being trustworthy with children! Had them in the family for 50 years and LOVE,LOVE,LOVE them
There are some lovely Staffies on our common (I'm a mad lab person myself), but they do get a bad name. This is especially true when we saw one person walking theirs with a 5m electric cable for a lead!
my staffie is a rescue one. she was left tied up, no fur as she had mange, every bone in her body showing, big scar down her cheek & was haemorrhaging from having pups, none where found with her. all she wants to do is cuddle up with you. if she sees children when out on a walk she will sit then lay down so they can stroke her. she is such a loyal loving dog, even after the way she was treated before we got he. it just annoys me when people cross the road to avoid her. the press need to lay off staffies
My staffie girl, Freck, is the best companion ever. Playful, caring, brilliant with my nieces and nephews especially the younger one's! The only time i've witnessed her be angry is when she believes somebody is threatening me or one of the kids! But she is more likely to lick somebody to death than harm them! Stupidly loving caring loyal and protective! Wish she didn't snore so much! Love her and treasure everyday she is still with me! With osteoarthritis she is not as lively as she used to be! Staffies are brilliant dogs and my girl has helped show loads of people that and converted die hard dog haters to lovers of her!x
Our little Staffie came from DT Evesham just over seven years ago. She's quite elderly now but we wouldn't be without her. There are quite a few Staffies who live near us, and every one of them is a friendly ball of fun.
They are one of the most loyal if not the most loyal dog.. My girl is an american pitbull. Before I knew i was pregnant that girl wouldnt leave my side. She started sleeping right next to my stomach. She's always protected my boy from day one. Just to know your gonna walk in the door to the happiest li animal just cause its you. Teir the best. My dog licks me when im sad to comfort me. My sasha and now the newest addition Lucky are the best ever. I cant imagine my life without those dog kisses and pretty brown eyes.
We had a cross staffie from your Kenilworth Centre some 9 years ago, her name was Kylie and was the most loveable dog ever, we also had a border collie at the time and took her to the Centre to associate with Kylie a few times before we brought Kylie home at 13 weeks old, sadly Jess passed away then we had a Cavalier King Charles spaniel pup, whom was mothered by Kylie.
Sadly Kylie had to be put to sleep in May 2010 aged 9 as she had a Brain Tumor.
I could trust her fully and liked to play with other dogs in the park and very rarely kept on a lead as she was well trained.
Staffies are great pets, but need to be treated lovingly, and not for fighting.
I have 3 year old staffie who we adore. It's not been easy with him, 2 mobile phones destroyed an MP3 player and numerous books, shoes carpets, papers and toys have been destroyed by his powerful jaws yet everyday he makes us laugh. Staffie's are so intelligent there is nothing more fun that putting this to the test. They don't deserve the bad press. I believe it is the owners who fail to in their duty to these animals. My kids love our dog and we couldn't be without him. Everyone who know's him loves him, because of his mischievousness. Give these dogs a chance they deserve it. Staffie Lover 13
I'm so very proud to be a staffie owner! I totally adore the breed&to me there is no better breed of dog out there. It completely breaks my heart to hear constant negativity about the breed&ive had people pull their children away from my dogs path, had to listen to peoples comments drawn from ignorance regarding staffs. A dog is an animal, it doesn't understand what breed it is! It's poor owners that have given staffs a bad name, All dogs should be raised by decent owners with half a brain, but sadly it's not the case therefore the bull breeds suffer. Hundreds of staffs are put to sleep in this country every month due to over breeding, things in this country have to change. Dogs are animals and therefore should be respected as such, but a staffs personality as a dog isn't much different to any other breed but it's staffs that have been abused by people, the media etc. No-one cares about the yorkie or jrt that's grumpy & bites, just the ,
i had a staffy for 17 yrs, she was loyal and affectionate. She loved nothing better than cuddling up on the sofa or travelling in the car with you. She is sadly missed by all the family. Often the bad rep is the fault of irresponsible owners!!! Not the dog!
Sadly it's very ignorant people who know nothing about dogs or correct training, that give these lovely animals a bad name .
BAD OWNERS should be put down.... the dogs should be found loving capable owners.
They are wonderful breeds. There are at least 3 down my local park that mix & play with all other types of breed. Of course they are all family pets that have been trained & socialised. I do get annoyed when people cross the road from me when I'm walking my staffie but that's the media telling everyone that all staffs are killers (yeah right)! I LOVE STAFFIE'S :)
My staffy cross is gorgeous and wouldnt change her for the world.... loyal, obedient, friendly, loving. I would happily have a staffy again. It's the owners not the dog. And yes she snores real bad!
I love my Staffy, he's six years old and still as energetic and daft as a puppy.
Unfortunately he is not friendly towards other dogs, so he probably doesn't help do much for the reputation of the breed when he's straining at the lead and barking at other dogs all the time, but he loves people and is unbelievably affectionate. He's a great companion for me and loves nothing more than to sit on the sofa with me for cuddles.
My Staffy is the best friend I could possibly have, I even took up home working as I hated leaving him on his own.. He is the softest dog you could ask for with a constantly wagging tail. You are correct in saying it is the owners 100% and NOT the dog
I'm all for dispelling the myth about staffies, I grew up with one and she saw my daughter's first couple of years, she was an amazing wriggly lump of love who'd fling herself on her back infront of anyone or anything! Now we have adopted a staffie pup from the RSPCA who is 11 wks old now and I'm watching my children adore him as much as I adored mine. He loves nothing better than a cuddle on the kids' knees...and food of course!! They are by far my favourite breed, get a staffie you know what you're letting yourself in for, a big lump who'll never stop being a puppy and doing daft things and will give you the best welcome home you've ever had! Lets start looking at the other end of the lead, as humans we're meant to be the intelligent ones aren't we? It's not rocket science, any dog will misbehave no matter what breed if the owner encourages it. And Oscar says woof in full agreement!! :)
I have a Staffie rescue who looks like the dog in your photo! She is the sweetest, most loyal dog ever, and I would gladly rehome another one! She makes friends wherever she goes! Everyone who meets her fall in love.
We got our staffie from rescue when she was 3 months, i was a bit worried at the time because of everything you here but i couldnt be without her now, best thing we ever did. She can be a handful at times but she is still young. She always pleased to see you when you come home and loves cuddles and kisses when your watching telly. Love her to bits.
The Staffies best feature and their worst flaw are one and the same.....their loyalty and their desperation to do right by their owner. Whether this means fetching a ball or trying to win a fight, they are so intent on gaining approval. Sadly, this loyalty has been exploited by the morons who are involved in dog fighting. By nature, as a breed they are no more (in fact, generally a lot less) aggressive than any other breed. I grew up with Staffordshire Bull Terriers, I have one Staffie, one Staffie X and a dog's home special and all three are the most loving, gentle creatures. I just wish this doggy-racism would stop and all dogs would be judged on deed not breed!
My border terrier was very badly injured (horrific neck wounds and lost his ear) in an attack by two staffies who broke down a fence and came into the house to get to him. As dogs initially bred for dog fighting, they can be dangerous and do a lot of damage. Far too often they are owned by people who couldn't control a hamster let alone a potentially very dangerous dog. I'm sure many are friendly and fun, but ignore the breed's history at your peril.
I have a beautiful,friendly Staffy bitch,i love her totally.When i moved to Hungary i took her with me obviously & she is the star of the village,everybody wants to play with her.In Jan 2010 i bought a Pitbull dog that i had seen chained to a tree,he is also very affectionate & if dogs can fall in love the pair of them did,last April they produced 5 pups,kept 1 & the rest went to good homes.They are a fantastic breed & wrongly maligned,i'd have nothing else.
Since owning a dog I have met many staffies and they are wonderful dogs in the right hands, just like any other dog. Putting the blame on a dog breed when it behaves badly is not right. I have a Labrador she has had training. It is an owners responsibility to ensure that their dog is a delight to all that meet them.
My staffy sky is the softest dog i know, shes that soft she getts picked on by the kitten over the road and hides from it if its out!!! In fact she is lay by the door right now sulking because my boyfriend is in the shower. She is 2 years old and full of life she is always pleased to see anybody and loves attention and cuddles.
My staff Holly is the most docile dog you will ever see. When the height of the hysteria about pit bull a couple of years ago the police done checks on dogs in my area, they came in to our home and holly woddled down the stairs and precedded to whip them with her tail and sit infront of them waiting to get stroked. To say they were happy she wasnt a dangerous dog is an understatment.
Its the responsilbe staff owners that love their dogs that get tarnished with the same brush as the other owners who do not treat ther dogs with the love and care they deserve.
We've had Lilly, our staffy cross since she was a pup back in Dec 2007. Lilly was born at Dogs Trust Darlington. She is the most loving, faithful, friendly dog. It is unruly owners who have given staffies a bad name and owners using staffies for dog fighting should be put in a ring themselves and have to fight to their deaths. Any dog can turn when challenged/threatened/frightened. I wish people would stop paying for 'designer' dogs and go rescue a dog from Dogs Trust or RSPCA or similar worthwhile organisation.
Love my 18 month old staffie.. He's always pleased to see me when i get home from work. Always there with a big sloppy kiss when i'm down in the dumps.
He's as mad as a brush..But i love him to bits and wouldn't be parted from him.
The reason we decided to get a staffie was my brother had one.. Knowing what sort of nature they have, i wouldn't have any other breed now.
I can honestly say hand on heart that i trust him 100% with my kids.
i have 2 staffy's Tesy and Rio and they r sooo affectionate and friendly 2wards everyone. Its my other dog thats not a staffy that shows the most aggression, thats y i dnt understand y they get such a bad rap. They r amazing dogs!!!
We adopted our staffy cross, Bonnie, from dogs trust two and a half years ago, she is wonderful and we love her to bits. We have since discovered that she is crossed with a rhodesian ridgeback, which in some peoples opinion is a very bad combination but she is the most affectionate,soppy and very spoilt dog i have met in a long time. Staffies do have a bad rep but i have to agree with the comments that have already been posted, that its the owner that should be criticised for untrained and aggressive dogs. In the area where we live, staffies are seen as a status symbol by some people. This makes me really angry because these dogs make the most wonderful companions if they are properly trained and well looked after. Its great to see so many people willing to stand up for these beautiful dogs!
Hurrah for people standing up for Staffies. My staffie cross, Lacey is the best thing that ever happened to me. She hasnt got an aggressive bone in her body (unless you are threatening me), is as mad as a hatter, affectionate, smiley, happy, SO loyal, itelligent, easy to train, a whiz around the agility course, good with my horse, loves kids and snores like some kind of walruss! I just love her to bits and it breaks my heart when people move to avoid her or wont let their dogs play with her. She doesnt understand why not! Come to think of it, neither do I. Time to stick up for Staffs!
I have a 8 year old staffie, we had her from rescue aged 2, she is the most lovable dog and always eager to please, is a big softie.I also volunteer at a local rescue walk the dogs and have met some lovely staffies there, that have been through so much but still have loads of love and kisses for you.Please give these animals the name they deserve " affectionate soft intelligent creatures"
our beloved staffie cross called birriany basmati ( we all love indian food, including our dogs!) died on 5th jan aged 17. she will always be missed.she was a truly gorgeous companion who loved people and played with whatever dog ambled along. will love her forever.
We have a 10mth old staffy, he has bags of energy, full on, learns very quickly, very affectionate and very wise to doggy trade offs, he is eager to say hello to any four legged friends. I think as to many breeds you just need to be the right owner for the breed. They need strong leadership and to know who is pack leader then will give you much pleasure in return.
I have a staffy that was abandoned and left on her own in a flat. I don't know why cos she is the most sweetist and most affectionate dog. I have 3 children and she is gentle and playful. She is now 2yrs old and is very tall, at 17inches. On her daily walk you can see people look at her and cross the road to avoid her thinkin she may bite. I think half the reason why they get a bad rap is cos some teenagers are too quick to get them as a status to look hard. And then mistreat them and don't socialise them or worse even make them agressive to other dogs. My Staffie Penny loves other dogs and even cats.
We have a 9 year old staffie boy called Rolo, he has been epileptic since a year old, even after some horrible fits (which we try to control with tablets) he can still manage a kiss for me and you can see how poorly he feels. everybody he meets fall in love him his smile and waggy tail, but you still get the odd person! a man around the corner from us who in 20 years of living here has never spoken to us said to my husband "isnt it about time you got rid of that dog" my husband kept his temper and explained that he was a much loved family member and Rolo just wagged his tail at him and they walked away. If more of world had the Staffie temprement it wouldnt be in the mess it is!!!
I believe that every dog in born innocent, they behave as they have been taught, so...the teacher/owner is the one that makes the dog.
I agree with previous comments, the owners are the dangerous ones, not the staffies.
We have a 4 yr old staff cross and I love her to bits!! Wouldn't change her for the world. Staffies do get a hard time and it's more difficult that someone in my family thinks they are a hard dog which is so not the case. Any dog provoked enough will attack whether it be a chiwawa or a doberman!
I have always loved Staffies and can't imagine ever having a different breed of dog.
Well done for standing up to all those people who think they are a bad breed :)
Staffie are as good as their owners in most cases, although I must say early socialisation is necessary and Staffies with entrenched anti social behaviour can be hard to cure.
I know some excellent staffie owners and I've had the displeasure of meeting some bad owners, like the owner who let his dog attack my greyhound (who was on a short
lead) and did nothing to call it off, I tried to remove his staffie with my wellied foot!
Don't get me started on young lads who think they look hard if they say their staffie is a pitbull!
Good owner = good dog
My Staffie x doberman is the best thing since sliced bread! She's so funny, such a huge funny character. i love her huge knuckle head which she'll use to lean on you while having cuddles. I love her superman style upside down sleeping pose, i love the way she army crawls across the floor is she's not getting 100% of the attention from everyone in the room. I love the fact that she makes you feel the most important thing in the world everytime she sees you
i have a staff she is 1 and a half years old she is so good and all she wants is cuddles and to be with u all the time, she is so loving she would never hurt anyone she loves all animals and is really good with children. it is true its not the dogs..... its there owners and the way they are treated.
Four weeks ago, we gave a home to a 20 month old Staffy named George. He is an excellent companion to our Dogue de Bordeaux, Kizzy and they are now inseperable. Both dogs are amazing with all 3 of my kids (aged 3, 11 & 12) and George in particular follows my 3yr old daughter around, sits next to her, wants to sleep on her bed.... I have been walking George on an extender lead with Kizzy off the lead but he is so lively, fast & playful that I couldn't run fast enough! So yesterday & today I let George off the lead. He had such fun, running so fast he was like a bullet!! Playing with Kizzy, chasing each other around tress. And, he came back to me every time I called him. We are his 4th home in less than 2 years and he has so much love to give. He's such a happy little man & we are really, really glad he's come into our life & that he's already learned to trust us & love us back!
I love staffies, makes me laugh everytime i read a bad report about them as mine wouldnt hurt a fly so gentle and just loves human attention more so than other dogs i think the press needs to stop judging the staffy and judge the chav that owns them. Most owners are very responsible but as everyone knows a staffy is very loyal to there owners and would do anything to please them.
Our big boyo was found with his throat slit, cowering in someone's driveway on a housing estate, hasnt diminished his adoration of everyone and everything he encounters in his day to day living! He steals anything he can lay his paws on, especially my clothes, is usual in the middle of any mischief and gets away with it all with one flash of his huge grin and big brown eyes! Couldnt imagine life without our stafford
I've got 2 bitches and i would not be without them. I trust my 7 year old BLIND son with them and they love him to bits. If he stops fussing them they sit on him .... he laughs and they lick !!!! He then starts fussing them again. My girls are my world and would nvr hurt a fly. They protect my son and home which is what they should do and they NEVER have a go at anybody lol they're more likely to lick them to death
Well...what can i say read the comments it backs up my love of this breed.Now have my third staffie and hey have all lived to a good ripe old age!-wonderful, loving dogs. my first dog would sit by the babys pram no-one could come near her unless trusted! In a word i would love this breed till the day i die....they have given so much to me and my family.....i will stand up or staffies.
My staffie DJ was given to us when he was 10 weeks old. At first he did not match up to Buster my previous staffie who had to be put asleep aged 14 yrs. He was the most loving,well behaved trustworthy staffie you could ever meet and our family was lost without him.
DJ was wild but a happy wild and with love and attention has become a much loved member of the family.he is great with my granchildren and a brother to my 15 yr old son. He is such a happy chappy a bit too welcoming to guests but will do as he is told. He is my third staffie and my daughter also has a staffie called Oscar. She has 2 children aged 6 and 18 months. Oscar is certainly a " nanny dog" and is loving and trusting with all the children in the family. Lets all stand up for Staffies. People who dont know them dont know what they are missing.They read moods so well and are always there for you
I have a staffy cross akita that I hand reared on behalf of Dogs Trust, Leeds. He was dumped at a day old along with his siblings, all but one of them survived thanks to the efforts of Dogs' Trust and the three foster mums. I decided to keep Tonka, he is great, only 16 weeks old, but a great character and so intelligent, loves every dog he meets. I am taking Tonka training and socialising him with everyone and everything, I don't believe there is such a thing as a bad dog, just bad owners; it's us humans that let down our canine companions, they deserve so much better.
Firstly great post! Its a real pleasure to see someone defending this truly amazing breed...instead of seeing people slating them all the time "so unfairly" i am the extremely proud owner of four staffies....they are my world...love them too pieces...i have three grandsons too whom dote on my staffies and vise versa. I also run several staffies groups on facebook which are there primarily for other staffy owners to share there photos experiences etc but we also aim to educate people and advice the importance of spaying and neutering of their dogs...and to premote good responsible ownership...the problem today is seldom ever the dogs fault....the real blame lies soley with the owner/handler...i strongly believe that staffies and any other breed of dog....when brought up with stability rules and lots of love and guidance "like children" grow up to be well adjusted stable happy adults....its common sense really....god bless staffies....the most mis-understood breed out there....education is the way forward! : D
It's not the dog that's the problem its the owner. Every stray staffie I have picked up from the streets have been cuddly and very affectionate.
My Staffy girl has owned me and my husband for 5 years, lol. She's soft, gentle, obedient, loves my grandchildren with a passion and likes other dogs, although she can get a bit fed up when they jump all over her and nip her. She's our pride and joy, we love her to bits. She's been with us since she was 4 weeks old and she's been brought up properly. The only problem staffies are because of problem, irresponsible owners and in this I include indiscriminate breeding of staffies. SOS...Save our Staffies.
My Staffy girl has owned me and my husband for 5 years, lol. She's soft, gentle, obedient, loves my grandchildren with a passion and likes other dogs, although she can get a bit fed up when they jump all over her and nip her. She's our pride and joy, we love her to bits. She's been with us since she was 4 weeks old and she's been brought up properly. The only problem staffies are because of problem, irresponsible owners and in this I include indiscriminate breeding of staffies. SOS...Save our Staffies.
I've had my Staffie cross for 4 months now. 6 years old and 12 weeks in RSPCA kennels. A little shy at first but he is just charming to 99.9% of humans and dogs and tries to keep out of the way of the 0.1% that are a bit too pushy. So willing to learn too and an absolute joy around the house. Everyone loves him and really couldn't have wished for a better temprament.
Fantastic blog, we have a beautiful, charming staffie, Bess. They are such calm, loyal mellow characters. We got her from Battersea where 80% of the rescue
dogs are staffies. Knowing this and that they have very good temperaments we specifically wanted a staffie (Bess is a staffie/mastiff cross). But it's so sad that
there are so many staffies bred and unwanted. Bess was kept on a puppy farm and badly overbred, clearly because tough looking dogs are popular, and
possibly even to breed them for fighting. Before she was rescued Bess had never seen grass before - the skin on her legs is still worn years later because she was kept in a concrete yard. We've had her for nearly three years and she's been wonderfully happy and healthy, though old for her years, but she has now developed mastitis and lymphoma, which is common in bitches that are overbred. It's so cruel what has been done to Bess because it's become fashionable to own tough looking dogs, many of which are then discarded and end up in rescue centres or worse. (Read more about Bess at http://www.bessiesfight.blogspot.com)
I have a Staffy x Jack Russell and she has more Staffy in her as her mom was already a JR x Staffy. Anyway, Staffies are loving, affectionate, fun, loyal and gentle dogs. They can suffer from separation anxiety (my Tilly does)but apart from that it's all positive. I am home all day with Tilly and she goes everywhere with me, even to France on her holidays and so she is not a problem in the slightest.
Staffies are little angels sent from heaven purely to bring happiness, love and licks to humans! I have no idea how such a wonderful loving kind child friendly breed can have such a bad reputation. I adore staffies!
We've had a staffy. she was such a bubbly gawjus puppy. we unfortunately had to give her up because my epileptic nephew couldn't handle her on bad days.. but they are amazing dogs. it's all i ever grew up with. never ever had a problem with them. when i was in kindy we had a staffy x his name was Conan. he was pretty much like a child for me he followed me every where slept with me every night if i was sitting he was sitting on my lap. if i was outside playing he was right there with me. unfortunately he ran away. but they are truly amazing dogs. my dad has a staffy x pitball. he's the most beautiful temperment dog i have EVER met. but at the same time he's a great guard dog. and knows when someone shouldn't be at the house. he's helped dad countless times. Don't judge them OR pitballs or any other dog that has a bad rep. Judge their owners!!
they r the most loving caring dogs going
mine loves nothing better than to curl up next to us in bed and the second my daughters eyes open hes there go give her the biggest sloppiest kisses going he is such a loving little pup wouldnt b without him and it is ignorant people that judge the breed not the individual dogs and its because of the stupid irresponsible idiots that mistreat them and dont give the smallest bit of training that cause the problem for theses amazing dogs
I have 2 bouncy,enthusiastic,smiley boys that just want to cuddle & kiss all day long
The connotations of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier need to be changed; responsible ownership needs to be encouraged, and people need to realise that the breed can actually make the superb family pet and a
ideal companion.
Has nearly 60,000 members that think exactly the same way as yourself Deana.
So on behalf of all of us. Thank for bringing this to light ..
Andrew Simpson FanPage Founder 【ツ】!!!
The connotations of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier need to be changed; responsible ownership needs to be encouraged, and people need to realise that the breed can actually make the superb family pet and a
ideal companion.
Has nearly 60,000 members that think exactly the same way as yourself Deana.
So on behalf of all of us. Thank for bringing this to light ..
Andrew Simpson FanPage Founder 【ツ】!!!
We got our staffie, Bryn, nearly 2 years ago now, and even though he is 8, he is still so much like a puppy. I hate the fact that these dogs are slated in the press as chances are the people writing these articles, have never even come into contact with them, because then they would know that you could not meet such silly, loving, loyal and affectionate dogs as these. Even though I am only young, (21), I love my staffie as if he was my child and would never let any harm come to him, even if it meant me being hurt. People who use these dogs for 'status' or fighting must have something seriously wrong in their heads to want to change the staffie's naturally loving and soft nature into a vicious fighting dog. something needs to be done to stop idiots like that from being allowed to own such a beautiful and caring dog! I am proud to call myself a staffie owner and can only see me having more staffies in the future as I have never seen a breed that is more loving and given me as much joy as my Bryn.
Kim said
I have had a fewdogs over the years as my grandad used to breed Alsations and so we always had them until i got married we had a couple of mongrels and then we got our wonderful Toby., he was 10 months old when we got him and was so boisterous and happy. My children were only small then and adored him they used to dress him up in all sorts of outfits, he used to like wearing a bow tie collar and cuffs (his chippendale outfit and sitting on the front step, we have many posed for photo's of him like this and also dressed as a soldier. he was just so good with the kids, we had him for 19 years and then lost him to cancer. but he was so loved and was the best dog ever and loved having George our english bull terrier as a companion for the last 5 years of his life. George was also a fantastic dog not quiet as soppy as tobes but sadly we lost him to cancer as well last august at the age of 13. I do miss them both so much but would only ever consider getting another staff or ebt they are the best dogs ever, more loyal people.
We have lurcher who has been attacked by a 'staffie', but she has also been attacked by a lurcher. So it's not the breed that has a problem it is the bad owners. Staffies are, when treated kindly and properly are wonderful dogs, who are happy and fun and no threat to anyone or any dog.
i have a little staffie... and i am only 14 but she is my best friend. She sleeps on the end of my bed everynight, waits for me to come home from school, goes everywhere with me and protects me. My staffies has the most amazing nature and she is really a big baby. I don't know where i would be without her :)
I have a little staff she is a lovable dog she is brilliant with kids and very loving , I dont know why people say they are vicious they are what we as pet owners make them this is the same for any breed of dog .
my staffie bud came from a rescue center and i love him to bits for te first few days he was kinda nervouse but after that he was right at home and he is ust a bundle of energy
My staffy cross came was a rescue dog when i first got him so naturally we were a little wary of him at first (as we would have been with any other rescue dog) but there was no need!!! He had been very badly treated before we rescued him he had been beaten by his previous owner. my staffy is brilliant with my 2 boys (one of who is autistic) they can grab his tail, rag his ears etc and he doesnt even flinch. i think it is very wrong the way the media has made staffies out to be a bad breed when in fact they are one of the best to have with children. IT IS NOT A DOG'S FAULT IF THE OWNER IS IRRESPONISIBLE!!!!! why doesnt the media print the stories when dogs like staffies save lives of children and adults???
Oh my goodness I love love love my staffie to pieces and I no he loves us. He welcomes us with the biggest cuddles and kisses if we have to leave him anyway but we hadly do as he likes nothing more then jumping in the carvand sitting proudly in the front sit watching the world go by. He is fantastic with my nieces if anything a little too affectionate at times but I would recommended this breed to anyone. Loyal, loving , affectionate and protective what more could anyone want looking for a new addition to the family.
I have always had labs until after 3 years of consideration my partner and I decided to get a staffy- well 2!! Agatha and Maddy- they are only 12 weeks old, they have learned to sit and stay and have wonderful tempers. I am over the moon to read all you Staffy Lover comments as when I started researching for training techniques and all I found was scaremongering about "viscousness" "unpredictable". I class myself as an assertive and responsible dog owner and reading your comments has reassured me that we did the right thing x
I have always loved Staffys and at the moment I have a 5 month old Staffy called Alfie. I am a dog walker and I cannot believe the response I get when we are out walking. People come up to him everyday and comment on his good nature and how well behaved he is and when they ask what breed is he, they almost always seem shocked when I say he's a Staffy! I get the "Oh i thought they were dangerous dogs!" as Alfie sits by my left side. It is nice to know have Alfie known in our local area as that friendly, well behaved Staffy and I am trying to change peoples perceptions of these adorable dogs one person at a time. :-)
I have a staffie called cassie, before having her i was teriffied of the breed and thought they were dangerous dogs (all to do with what i had read and heard about the breed) we looked after a friends staffie whilst he went on holiday (which i wasnt to keen on as being so afraid of them) and i absolutely fell in love with her, so loving, good, and gentle. when her owner came to collect her i decided that i wanted a dog and it was a staffie i now wanted. thats when i got cassie, she was 10 weeks old and the last of the litter. cassie is 16 months old and is well behaved, does as shes told, loving, likes to give out lots of kisses and cuddles and likes to have lots given back to her. she is good around my sisters children and knows she cant be as rough with them when playing as she can with adults as they are only little. she is good with other dogs, but has had a couple of fights with my partners sisters staffie which is around the same age as her but we think they are just trying to find out who is top dog between the two (i think). some people give dirty looks and pull their dog away when they see cassie or pick their dog up as if she is about to attack them but shes not like that. i do think its how they are brought up that determines whether they will be aggressive or not. but as i said we absolutely adore our staffie and treat her well and give her lots of love and affection and so far she has done the same in return.
I completely disagree with Madeleine. It doesn't matter what they're crossed with, brought up in the right hands, with responsible owners, any dog can be a wonderful example of its breed(s). Pit Bull terriers are wonderful dogs, banned here due to breed-specific Legislation that does NOT work. DEED NOT BREED! We have a staffie from Dogs Trust and he's a little charmer, the friendliest dog you could wish to meet and that's not from a biased fur-mummy, we have strangers telling us that too!
arghh! This annoys me people give staffys such a bad name! I have a 9 weeks old staffy.. she's a loving friendly loyal dog! people blame the dogs dogs learn from the owners! and 9 times out of 10 it's chavvys or junkies with staffys which are getting them the bad name! any dog can be a bad dog, any dog can be a brilliant dog it's down to the OWNER! trying to make staffys banned are a joke! you've got more chance of a yorkie or a jack russell attacking you than a Staffy thats been well look after ofcourse but it's been proven that jack russells have a worse temperament than a fox so will they be banned too/first?
I have a Wee 1 and a Half year old Staffie/PitBull Cross, hes the Sweetest Wee Dog Ever. So Full of Character, hes like a Clingy Wee Baby always wants Human Contact, even wants to Follow you to the Bathroom, thinks EVERYBODY wants to Be his Pal.lol. Unfortunately People are not always as Friendly, they Avoid Him, Pick-up Their Kids when he approaches them and all he wants is another Friend. It Breaks my Heart at times. Great Dogs, Both VERY VERY Mis-Understood Breeds.
I made the Last Comment as ANONYMOUS.
My Name is TAYLOR. My Staffie/PitBull Cross is Called LORD CARSON
Just wanted to answer to Previous Comments...If Staffies Ever become a BANNED BREED in This Country, that would be Ridiculous. My Dog has been attacked 4-5 Times by YORKIES, SCOTTIES, JACK RUSSELS Twice and a LAHSA APSO it was ALWAYS the other Dogs that are the Main aggressors, but my Wee Dog always Finishes the Argument, coz Lets Face it, Staffies are a Fighting Dog. But when a Wee Jack Russel Nips my Boy, he aint Scared 2 Retaliate! And Then people look at Me as though Im a Thug just Coz my Dog is Defending Himself. Its a Bloody Shame, my Dog wouldnt harmy a Fly.
Staffies, PitBulls, English Bull Terriers are SO LOYAL. The only Guilt they have is being a Pain in the A**e at Times when u get in from a Hard Day at Work and the Dog wants to Jump all over you.lo.
my husband has his staffy for nearly 9 years. she has been my pet for the last 4 and i must honestly say she is the most loving dog that i have ever come across she follows me everywhere and is always happy to see me when i come home from going anywhere. i would hate to imagine my life without her as she is another memeber of our family. i think staffys have been given a bad reputation by what people have seen in the press they arre just the same as any other animal if it is treated right then you wont have any problems all dogs can turn nasty just pity such a loving breed has got this bad reputation they are definately miss understood!!
I am a Staffie cross from DT Leeds. I am a beautiful well adjusted dog. I am taken to dog training classes every Friday evening, oh that ride on the buses when I get all the attention from the passengers is smashing I just sit and look pretty until someone pats me. I go everywhere by public transport and we have no problems, the children all want me, but my mum says that grandson would be upset if I left her. I can at times be naughty, but then can't you, nothing much and am soon put in my place and all is well with the world. Please do not be so hard on Staffies we are no different to any other dog, all we need is a full set of rules to live by. Oh well it is now time for my evening walk. Goodnight.
I am a Staffie cross from DT Leeds. I am a beautiful well adjusted dog. I am taken to dog training classes every Friday evening, oh that ride on the buses when I get all the attention from the passengers is smashing I just sit and look pretty until someone pats me. I go everywhere by public transport and we have no problems, the children all want me, but my mum says that grandson would be upset if I left her. I can at times be naughty, but then can't you, nothing much and am soon put in my place and all is well with the world. Please do not be so hard on us Staffies we are no different to any other dog, all we need is a full set of rules to live by. Oh well it is now time for my evening walk. Goodnight.
I have a staffie and she is amazing, I rehomed her when she was 8 months old and everyday she makes me smile. She loves my nephews and gives them a really good licking! they love her too and spend hours training her to do new tricks. I hate the fact whenever there is some kind of attack it is pinned on a "Staffie Type Breed" and every news outlet jumps on the band wagon to report on it. Staffie's as described by the KC are affectionate with humans adults and children alike and are really the most rewarding and lovely companion to have. I value every moment I spend with mine and it makes to increasingly angry to see the continuing bad press about the breed. Staffies are the best.
Could i have some advice please, i want to get a staffy for my 9 year old son as a companion and a family pet. i have been offered a puppy which is a staffy cross pitball, i really do agree with the statement that it is always the owners who let the breeds and the dogs down and i also believe ANY dog has the potential to have a moment but i just want some opinions from you guys xxx
hi i have a staffie, and he is adorable, i wanted him as soon as i saw him, he is so affectionate, he will jump up wagging his tail when i walk through the door. i dont understand how you can judge one breed of dogs because of what THE OWNERS think is okay to do with them.
I have a beautiful staffy who turned 12 on 30th October this year, I love him dearly we do everything together, as he is now slowing down and visually looking alot older, our walks are getting shorter but he still loves to go, I am starting to realise that this little bundle I had when he was six weeks old is coming into his last few years (lots I hope) and I dread the day when I have to say goodbye. All staffys deserve a chance they are loving, loyal, soppy and full off love. Put them in the right hands and you couldn't wish for a better friend.
We adopted our gorgeous staffy x Lillian from The ark (RSPCA) sadly she was one of there longest residents being in there for over 1 year & the reason was because she was a staffy!! Well what can I say, she's become part of our family, she's brought extra love & sunshine into our lifes... She's so loving, gentle & loyal & great with our children, she has an extra special bond with my autistic son.... Before I had Lillian I never realised what amazing dogs these breeds are when brought up correctly... Bring back the old fashioned dog licences, then these Chavs would stop buying them & giving them bad reputations!!
Anyone who has had close contact with a staffy loves them and KNOWS they are wonderful dogs. The only people that don't like them are people who's only contact with staffies have been in a park with poor owners or no contact at all and have based their view purely on what they hear in the press.
just came acroos this :) i have a staffyXalsation (Nero) and hes beautiful. a massive handful but hes my baby bear and its so rewarding when hes leant something new, he picks things up very quickly. its not the dog/breed its the owner. if poeple dont take the time and effort to train and look after them properly then there should be a legislation about people owning them, NOT against the dog. the dogs are only as bad as the training put in, most people (young lads who get staffs for their birthdays and dont know how or what to do with them)shouldnt be allowed them.
I have a staffy cross Shar pei and I have the same problem people crossing the road with their dogs to avoid her or dragging their kids away from her. She's the most loving bouncy dog I've ever met, she's the only staffy on the meadow where I take her and all the other dog owners and dogs love her to bits, when talking to people who know about dogs there's never any problems, its the people who don't/have never owned a dog who give me greif for my dogs breed. For example a guy with 2 shitzus recently shouted at me to control my dog when she ran over to play, its ridiculous. Ill always have staffys now, I wouldn't trust any other breed around my daughter as much as I trust her.
back in june this year i took in a staffy from our neighbour down stairs as he was going to leave her in the bin store until the dog warden came the next morning[he found her wondering near the church]
she is crazy contantley attacks you with her tongue[my son hasn't washed his own ears since June-hehehe]
empties the cat tray for me if im not quick enough -yukkk- has now hid the tv remote, got to order new anew one...grumbles and groans when she is resting and SNORES blooming like a pneumatic drill,oh not hose trained people have said what youre still keeping her [of course] and she is about two years old who just loves her new home;and right now i can hear her chewing something-i shall soon find out if its her toys or my bin!!!!!
lorraine i have a 2half year old staffie named mille she is our first staffie andi dont think i will every have any other breed of dog again they are very loving and clever she is full of love and loves cuddles and wants most of the bed hahaah if i had a bigger house i would have more i would love to help out am thinkin about being a foster mum is scotland as there are far to many of these lovely dogs being put to sleep because people get them for all the wrong ressions they think they are getting dogs that will be agresive when they are so loving and only want cuddles and to be loved back
I have a 7 month staffie, she is gorgeous. Loves everyone and anything she sees!! What an adorable bundle of love she is. It's so true about the snoring comments too. Unfortunately there are lots of staffie owners who are irresponsible and don't train their dogs properly. I bump into a few staffie owners who say oh mine isn't too good with other dogs, hadn't they heard of socialising their dogs to avoid this problem?? These dogs are so easy to train and shame on any owners who don't do this :(
We're currently fostering a lovely little staffy girl from a rescue. First walk in the local busy park we encountered staffy racism. People changing direction to walk away from us, calling their own dogs away. The thing is, NONE of those dogs were on leads (until they saw us), 2 poodles, a weimarina, a schitzu and a king charles spaniel. ALL of those dogs were the ones that came running at her barking (because they could as they were offlead and our girl wasnt). The park specifies that ALL dogs must be on a lead at ALL times! I deliberately sat on the wall by the childrens play area getting lors of kisses off her, which raised a few smiles. :-)
It's all very well sticking up for staffies, but it is a FACT that a lot of them, whether well treated or not, do not like other dogs. Two of my dogs have been attacked by these type of dogs, totally unprovoked, and I now live in fear of meeting any of them when out on my walks. Why should I be scared like this? Yes, they may be good with kids and make good pets in many ways, BUT if they are a threat to my beautiful, friendly dog and others, why should they be praised in the way that you are praising them? Those jaws lock on and that to me is terrifying. Personally, I would like to see the breed outlawed to ensure my dog's safety and that of others. Controversial I know, but I don't care. I don't like my dogs being attacked for NOTHING!!!!!
I notice my comment posted yesterday hasn't been printed, BUT I dared to criticise the breed!! Now I see today one has attacked a child in Essex and bitten off part of her ear! Because of these dogs, all of us with dogs will suffer. Laws will no doubt be brought in against ALL dogs because of this breed which, whether you like it or not, attacks more than any other breed. There may be the odd ones who are OK, but I'm sorry the vast majority are not. They attack other dogs and children on a regular basis. The breed needs to be banned and I for one (and I know others who agree) will do all in my power to help such a ban. They are NOT safe !!!!!
Hi Viv,
We pre-moderate all our comments to avoid spam, and the person who usually does this has been off sick so slightly delayed in publishing comments (this is usually also only done on weekdays as our digital team is based at our head office which is closed on weekends).
We do not remove comments that disagree with our opinions, so that is not the reason your comment didn't appear.
Thanks for adding your thoughts.
I think it's people who are uneducated who consider that one breed attacks more than another. All dogs have the potential to be aggressive, but often this is only if provoked or because they are scared in some way, and are therefore protecting either themselves or someone else. I've known dogs who are fantastic with people but not so much with other dogs. This is not necessarily the owners fault as if they are rescue dogs it can be because of things that happened before they were rehomed.
My parents have a collie x rescue dog who has always been funny with other dogs that he meets out on walks, although fine with dogs that he knows. When we first rehomed him he could also be very funny with people, especially men that he didn't know. Maybe with his advancing years he is mellowing but now if always fine with people.
I currently had a GSD x dog and he is daft as anything and soppy with everyone, people and dogs alike - although has been known to be wary of workmen in hard hats and florescent yellow jackets! Yet he is also a rescue dog.
Generally speaking, any dog, who is well socialised and well trained can be great with people and dogs alike. Yet we all know there are some who are unpredictable, but as long as the owners are responsible and put their dogs on a lead if this is the case, then it's not a problem.
It's never great (obviously!) for any a dog to be attacked by another, particularly if it is a vicious attack, and the other dog is one who can 'lock jaw'. Sometimes however I feel, there is a lack of awareness about what is normal dog behaviour around meeting and greeting other dogs. Even in terms of what they constitute as playing and sorting themselves out, which can sometimes look (or sound) worse than what it actually is.
"Any dog can turn when challenged/threatened/frightened."
--- that's the whole point. The consequences of a staffie "turning" and a poodle "turning" differ greatly in severity. If a child raises his arm to his face because he is frightened, then a dog may attack. If that dog is a poodle, the child may get a sharp nip. If that dog is a Staffie, he may get half of his face torn off, or worse.
You people are deluded.
Ooh - just noticed that "All comments are pre-moderated to avoid spam." Guess this post won't make it onto your board, then.
Hi Brit_in_Prague,
Thank you for adding your thoughts. A comment that disagrees with us is not considered spam.
We pre-moderate because otherwise our comment threads would be littered with links to pet shops!
Thanks again.
i have a staffie and i was walking him in the park the other day, and this irish setter would not leave him alone, my staffie gave him 3 or 4 warnings and he still kept harrassing him my staffie eventually had anough and went for him, fortunatly he listens when i say leave, but this dog continued to follow us around the owner had no control over him at all. i told the owner he shouldnt be off the lead allowed to keep getting in dogs faces because my staffy would be the one to get the blame if a major fight broke out and the owner just said his dog did nothing wrong!! i think letting ur dog get in another dogs face and space constantly while u can see my dog doesnt like it is bad ownership? am i wrong?
Based on what Brit_in_Prague is saying a couple of comments up it looks like they would have any dog with a large jaw put down!!
Its the poor misguided fools like Brit_in_Prague that have led to this wonderful breed having such a bad name.
Please please please all people that are uneducated about our beautiful loyal dogs... Go on the RSPCA web site where David Grant director of the RSPCA has a whole blog on how wonderful and SAFE staffs are... It's people like you that are keeping these poor creatures in pounds with no chance of a good loving home or at worst ptc.... All because you refuse to believe the good press about these dogs... ALL DOGS attack & statistical these dogs attack less than any other breed... Please do you research properly before bashing these dogs because your ignorance is dangerous & very very Ill informed
I rescued my stunning staffy just over a year ago from the dogs trust.
Troy is four years old and much more to us than just a dog.
I love to come home to his wagging tail and exitment to see me.
The best part of the day is snuggling up on the sofa with him.
People are very quick to judge but all troy want to give is lots of love and hugs and lots and lots of licks.
Im looking forward to getting a second staffy in the near future.
I love staffie I have a stafford called spike and hes my heart!
I have a 9 month old brindle staffy male, he is absolutely gorgeous. However, he is a nightmare with other dogs; growling, snapping and biting them. It's gettin to the point where my mum is willing to give him up which is a shame as we all adore him and have had him since he was 7 week old, but we simply cannot cope anymore with this unruly behaviour. We've had him to trainers and they can't do anything with him until he is okay with other dos. IM ON MY WITENDS SO PLEASE SOS!
We cannot legally give advice about specific aggression issues, although I've included some links to general advice below. Please contact your vet to ask about a referral to a behaviourist.
I wish you the best of luck with addressing this problem, and encourage you to contact your vet as soon as possible.
I HAVE 2 STAFFIES BELLA AND BUSTER BOTH 1YRS OLD, WHICH I HAVE HAD SINCE PUPPIES PLUS I HAVE 3 CHILDREN AND I MUST SAY I TRUST MY STAFFIES!!! THEY ARE BRILLENT WITH CHILDREN, I must say i agree its not just staffies that should be blamed for being dangerous it can be any dog!! and who ever there owner is!! any dog can be dangerous its just how you treat them. thats the problem!!!!!
Hi i have a staffie
And sadly I lost my dog yesterday had to put her asleep she had cancer in her head and it was massive
So please look out for your staffies the symptoms start was having fits and she was put on tablets and they help but she kept falling over and she went to have a scan yesterday and they found cancer of the brain and they said nothing would of help it so please look out for these symptoms very sad story
Ellie hooper Owner of Molly hooper staff shire ball terrier
i have a staff her name is Jessica i got her when she was a year old, i'v now had her for 3 years, she was badly treated by her old owner, since i'v had her she is the perfect dog i can not fault her in any way at all, she is good with kids of any age and also good with dogs and cats. She has been attacked 4 times now by other breeds of dogs, and she has never attacked these dogs back, Jessica is my best friend.
these young teens that gets staff's give them they bad name.
I'm so sorry to hear of your dog's passing. Thank you for sharing the symptoms with us which might help someone else. We would always recommend taking even the smallest unusual symptom to a vet.
my cat got mauled to death by a Staffy. i watched the whole thing from my window. can only blame the owner for running away, the knew exactly what it was doing. cant blame the owner every time
Staffies are very loving dogs. I own a staffie and a yorkie they are best of friends. The owners are to be blamed for the attacks, not the dog. BAD DOG, BAD OWNER.
Same with any dog.
i have a staffie and shes my best friend if you treat any dog with respect then it will respect you back. staffies are playfull and full of joy dont blame the dog for atacks blame the owners!!
my staffie is almost 2 years old and she is so loving. she has had the best of care and best of everything. they have such a bad name because of people miss treating them, they are most commonly used to protect drugs from police these people should not be allowed any animal. my staffie is that friendly she greets everyone with a wagging tale and a cuddle, she is also afraid of cats, she cowers away from them, hides behind my legs and curls up in a ball when approached by a cat, WHO said staffies are dangerous. i have whitnessed my dog being attacked by a Labrador, its not the dog its the owner!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have two Staffies. Both are rescues.
I have had Blue for two and and half years and she is the most loyal, loving and affection dog. She loves to give and receive hugs.
Blaze is 10 and was abandoned by his previous familiy and has been with us since March. He is as daft as a brush and like a big teddy bear.
This breed has an unfounded reputation because of a minority of people who shouldn't be trusted to sit the right way on a toilet let alone own a dog.
The Staffie is known as the "nanny" dog for a good reason. Blame the one on the other end of the lead for bad behaviour!
We have always thought of staffies as gorgeous despite the bad press. I know the kennel club states that they are one of two breeds that are perfect with kids and I agree. We have just rehomed a rescue staffy called Dexter and he is absolutely wonderful, we adore him and will do our best to raise awareness of how fab this breed can be. Beautiful loving dogs
When your own dog has been mauled by a Staffie, it's little consolation that the dog probably has a bad owner. Staffies have a bad press for a reason. Why own one? What are you trying to prove? The clue is in the name, Bull Terrier.
I have had my staffy, Holly, since she was eleven weeks old. She was rescued in poor condition, with a severe skin problem that took about a year to heal. Throughout her illness she was always happy. She is the most loving dog I have ever known, she regards all people and other dogs as her best friends. She lives happily with my 5 cats, curling up on the sofa with them at night. She has just passed her Kennel Club Gold award, has won 58 rosettes to date in local shows and regularly competes in agility, which she loves. She is truly special. Staffies as a breed are special. The world would be a sadder place without these happy little dogs. They are kind, patient, clever, loving, loyal, funny, stoical and brave. There are many other breeds which I would not consider owning, but I would happily have another Staffie.
I have a staffy cross and we have never ever had any problems with him appart from he is scared of other dogs. Hes great with children and adults aswell, we had a bit of trouble with the cat but when they began to like eachother they shared a bed and ate eachothers foo and appart from that hes been perfect. I dont know how anyone can hate this breed for no reason. As for the "its the dogs fault" excuse, the dog only knows what the owner tells it. Theres no such thing as a bad dog, its always a bad owner.
I have four staffies, and I'd just like to say...
Don't blame the Staffy's
Hi there, We have just rescued a staff. We also already havs a doberman and a lhasa apso x yorkie.My family have always had animals and dogs especially so now married with kids, I naturally love all craetures too. But..... and I mean this sincerely, I have never owned such a wonderful little dog as this new staffie! She is 2 years old and already had two homes before ours! All the same, she came to us and gave us her all. Obedient, loving, well mannered, happy and she trusted us, amazing after all that had happened to her. She is a joy to have around. She is asleep on my lap as I type this and the other two dogs close by. I never knew what great dogs these where, yes I liked them as I like all dogs but I have been truly knocked off my feet by my little staffie, Lilly.I love her and she has a home with me for life!!! xxx
I rescued a staffie last year, they have been my favourite breed for over 20 years, though she is actually the first dog that has lived with me. She is an absolute delight, so affectionate, no aggression, wonderful company.
IMO simply the best breed - breaks my heart that they are also the most thrown away breed.
I do have to point out what a foolish comment Brit in Prague made - the CAPACITY for damage does not increase likelihood. In fact poodles tend to be a much more irritable breed hence more likely to attack.
Staffies tend to be an easy going breed, and 'waving around in their face' is unlikely to provoke anything. But of course children should be taught appropriate behaviour around any animal
Yes some people have little knowledge of staffs or any dogs come to that,but they still join the band wagon and make things worse for these wonderful dogs.They believe what they here without and evidence of their own. I know of a few people that have been quite badly bitten by dogs and none of them were bitten by staffs.I do know plenty of people who own staffs, including myself and none of us have had any problems.My staff is probably the most docile dog I have ever owned.So for all you haters out there, get a life!
I gave my little staffy a home after we fell in love with her when looking for a dog at the RSPCA. She was a fearful little thing that was afraid of everything to do with the outside world,(she'd been locked in a dark room for the first 6 months of her life) yet on that first visit she was more than willing to trust us and allow us to give her lots of fuss, cuddles and kisses. It took us 6 weeks to get her to venture into our garden and 3 years to get to the stage where she enjoys a walk. She loves to play with everyone whether they have 2 or 4 legs, (including cats and other furies). She's still very submissive but we can live with that and is addicted to kissed and cuddles. I've had dogs all my life, (always rescued dogs) but I'd safely say our little Lilly Lola is at the top of my 'huggable' list. It pains me to say though not all staffies get to go to homes where a dog is a pet or as in our case a member of a family. All to many are used as status symbols and are encouraged to be aggressive and this is the publicity they get not the good sides. Also there are far too many being crossed bred with pits and owners just call them staffies but it is obvious that these dogs are far to tall to be proper staffs. I love my dog soooo much, I just wish everyone felt the same about their's.
I have grown up with Bull terriers all my life, starting with English Bull Terriers & then Staffies. I still own a 12 year old staffy, and there are plenty of people who look disapprovingly of him when out walking while others will ask you to turn the other way! He is the friendliest dog I have ever owned, and I refuse to give Bull Terriers a bad name. I agree that there are a lot of people who shouldn't be allowed to own staffys or any other dog, but again that should mean the blame goes to the owner, not the dog. I really wish people would realise not all dogs are the same, 90% of the staffys i meet are as friendly as my own dog, and there has only ever been a few that I wouldn't approach - all with similar owners... I think some people are so small minded and are in need of a reality check, of course there has been stories of dog attacks on the news, every breed will have a SMALL number of aggressive dogs. Does that mean you refuse to look at a Rottweiler or German Shepherd too?
I fully intend to have a staffy for as long as I can and I will stand my ground until I am blue in the face before backing down to these ignorant people.
I personally would not trust any dog 100 percent .but I do have a staffie , what a soft daft dog! She is always full of life , she shakes and sits next to me if she hears a noise as if to say 'well you go and investigate then ,i'll stay here' .my toddler granddaughter grabs my dog by the ears pokes her eyes and my dog just takes it all ! So much for the aggressive staffie .she is even scared of the dark.in fact I once had a yorkie who was
more aggressive!when I take my staffie out for a walk she expects everyone to stop and stroke her and she looks genuinely heartbroken if they ignore her .and no other dog has a huge smile like a staffie
I have a beautiful staff named maisie , she is now 7 b ut still thinks she's a puppy! I have had her since 8 weeks and she is the most loyal dog ever, she loves people, dogs and even cats never had any problem with her. She is my 2year old daughter best friend, they go absolutely everywhere together. I could not imagine my life without her I would honestly trust her with my life ,. ... irresponsible owners and incorrect training and care are mostly to blame I say x
My wife and I have a staffy (pepper) who was saved from a crack addict (after he broke 3 of her ribs and her jaw when she mis-carried at six months old). You would think that after going through that pepper would be a very timid dog, not a hope in hell! As i'm typing this pepper is mugging me with staffy kisses! I have had five dogs in my life (spaniel,dobi-pit cross, jack,mongrel and sheep) and NONE have been as loving and faithful as her! She is full of fun and makes my heart melt with her smile. I agree with Drea (posted 23-02-2011)sort out the bad owners, don't punish the dog for the misfortune of getting a jerk as a owner!
Yes yes yes all your Staffs sound lovely!! All very nice.. But you have to look at the statistics and facts. Iv worked with dogs fir the best part of 15 years. Training and working military dogs. We all have to agree different breeds have different jobs. A breed will work by it's instincts. The job it was breed for of 100s of years! Before we had dogs as pets! A staff has instincts to fight like a jack Russell Instincts are to kill small game, or a retreivers to fetch.. We can change 100s of years of selective breeding in a matter of 20 years of being common pets.. You can't expect the breed to supress what it needs to do.. Staffy owners are ignorant and the law needs to change.. Every other week they damage, attack, kill, if there is no problem why is it always the staffs ?? Wake up !! Look at the facts
All you arguments are from ignorance.. Every dog attack that happens seems to be a staff and most of them are family pets, in my 15 years of working with dogs 3 of my working labs have been attacked with the need of medical help... And guess what.. Every time it's been a staff. How many more kids have to be attacked, how many more dogs playing in the park have to be killed or chewed on by them.. They are fighting dogs!! And you think that you can change that? Then your stupid, There instinct is to fight... Selective breeding for generations made the perfect fighting dog,, of course not all of them are aggressive but again look at the facts.. It's always a staff that manages to get the bad press, always!! They are evil nasty little ba#%ards and the owners are scum. If you think you can suppress this beast of a dog your a fool!! It's impossible to stop a jack russel killing rats, like it's impossible to take the aggression from this breed. The law needs to change, you all like to think the owners are bad of the aggressive ones but the owners are just the same as you.. The staffy genes are now weak from over breeding and breeding crap with crap. The Jeremy Kyle Dog. They have no style, no class, and there ugly. The parks will be safer place with out them
Staffie type dogs are a problem.. They do not fit in with today's culture. They have no place. Iv seen 4 cats killed in my life each and every time i see it.. It's a staffie doing it.. If I'm on the park with my kids and there is labs on there I don't feel threatened, as soon as a staffie is on there I panic. I'm not saying there all aggressive but the agressive dogs to tend to be staffs.. How many more kids have to be savaged by family pets ( staffs) before the law is changed?? 75%of recuse dogs are staffie so scum bags looking for a cheap dog get one. Not knowing the dogs past or it's temperament then let it join the pack? The family .. No... Not all dog are like this.. No not all dogs can be aggressive.. That's just a cop out comment staffie owners say because they know the truth. Staffs need to be banned and destroyed
We have adopted a RSPCA Jack Russell X ?. Although a Jack Russell Staffie cross is unlikely to the size and birth complications ie the females JR often dies or requires a c-sections( we saw the mum a sweet, scruffy JRT,) In the event that she is part staffie I was relieved at the posts made on this forum. The only staffies I have seen have been leathered up and walked on a short chain.
i own 2 dogs 1 full breed staffie who is 11 months old and a rescue cross breed who is 3 years they both are amazing dogs so loving and loyal. they love nothing more but to chill on there bed beside me and my partner. all dogs are aggressive from very small to very big breeds, if treated wrongly or used in the wrong way. it is not in any dogs nature to be aggressive. staffies are extremely loyal to there owners and live to please them that is why they attack because they have been told to or trained too.
My two beautiful staffies are sat here beside me. Mr Bumble (rspca stray) and Betty Boo (history unknown but has had several litters, now spayed). They've had there forever home here with me for 2 years now and are the softest couple you could meet. It's heart breaking out on walkies with the reactions they get. Looks of disgust, fear and dogs snatched away from them when they only want to say hello. Am trying so hard to promote the well homed staffie but sadly so many people will form an opinion from a headline or 30 seconds of news. The full story rarely comes out that these dogs that get in trouble usually have a totally irresponsible dangerous owner in charge of them.
Staffies rock! The only breed for me.
My Stella is about 7 years old and I have had her since she was between 8 months to a year old. Unofficial rescue from a twat who was savagely abusing her.
Considering what she has been through, her docile friendly temperment is amazing. She is loving, playful and a proper darlin'! And she has a wicked grin when she's pleased to see you, as well as the hyperfast tail wagging that could break the sound barrier.
She was the one thing that kept me sane in a dark period of my life.
My wife had no experience of Staffies until she met me and Stella and held the usual fear and distrust of the breed, she is also a cat owner.. Stella soon changed her mind. After all, can you call a dog vicious if she is bullied by a cat half her size?
To be honest, I do sometimes have to be careful with her around other dogs, but only if they try to take her ball. Apart from that though, she is a brilliant, intelligent and lovely little dog who really loves a cuddle with mum and dad.
I have had 2 staffies over the last 12 years, Capone I rescued as he was used for fighting, left for days on end without any company except for the cats he lived with! Before you judge him listen to what I have to say about him. Personally I think he was GRATEFUL to come to a home where he got unconditional love and treated the way he should've been treated all his life, he was brilliant with kids and used to lay down in front of the sofa or my bed and let my 2 year old nephew use him as a step to get up safely! When I had a miscarriage he stayed by my side even sitting patiently outside the bathroom waiting for me, my husband had to literally force him to go outside to do his business and I can honestly say I've never known a dog to pee so quickly!! Capone went to sleep just over 5 years ago and it was the hardest decision I've ever had to make.
11 months later I got a beautiful red staffie puppy, Lincoln is a mummies boy through and through just like Capone was, he has been socialised with other dogs since he was 8 weeks old and thinks that everyone is his friend, when he was 12 weeks old he was attacked by a westie, he ran to us and tried to climb up my legs, I had to pick him up to calm him down and stop his crying! He is now 4 and a half and still the same, he has lots of doggy friends at the park and when we are there and he is playing with his ball he doesn't even notice any other dog around.
A year ago my husband collapsed and nearly died because he had a cancerous tumour on his bowel, he spent 2 weeks in hospital after major surgery and friends and family were a little worried Lincoln would be too excited and might hurt my husband when he came home but Lincoln had a sniff of his tummy and stayed with him from that point forward, even if he was in the garden and my husband made a noise that said he was in pain Lincoln came running in and went straight to make sure he was alright!
I'm currently working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week and as soon as I get home at night I have to remind Lincoln that he is not a lap dog, but that's just his way of showing me that he has missed me and is glad that I'm home.
I think you would all agree that both my boys sound like dangerous dogs!!
I was bitten my a JRT when I was a child but I do not go around slating the breed as a whole, it was one dog!
Please stop the ignorance that seems to put this breed in the 'dog house' they are loving dogs and that's all they want in return!
We have three staffies.
Rolo we rescued from the rspca when he was a year old, he was our first one. He's so affectionate, he always has to be touching you.
Rosie we got at 7weeks old shes cross with ebt but is such a lovely, friendly girl. She loves kids so much her hole body wiggles in excitement for them to stroke her. She also loves socks and waits at the washing machine for them to drop.
Ruby we have had from 12weeks rescued she was under weight but very lively, shes still lively and runs us ragged but wouldnt not have her.
All these three are around children and sleep on the bed, we started with one and now have three and wouldnt be without either of them, they have all got different personality but are all loved the same.
I get so angry when I hear or see how the media continually trash the reputation of this wonderful breed. I can't wait to get a Staffy of my own. it's the irresponsible owners that are to blame if a dog is aggressive. Singling out a breed is just wrong. 9/10 when reporting a dog attack, the media will refer to a 'staffordshire bull terrier-type dog', as being responsible, when in all probability, it wasn't a Staffy at all
We have a staffie called Lacey and she has a very big personality. She loved to play and have cuddles. Her most favourite thing in the world is playing with Jimmy our Boxer. We also have a Boxer cross who sits and watches them play as he is 10.
We live near Wood Green Animal Shelter. They are getting so many staffies in at the minute. If you have space for any more please visit or go to the website. I love staffies.
1 Always ready to play
2 Staffys are love on four legs
3 Attentive fast learners
4 Plays & protected my kids & grand kids
5 Loyal & loving
6 My best & true friend
7 Every time I come home am met with a load of love & fuss, that's something I don't get from the wife.
To the person who said staffies do not belong in todays society. What planet are you from? If you see them roaming around in the park then to me that says they have been brought up wrong and obviously dont have owners who can look after them. Im sure if you let your kids out to the park 7 days a week without supervision they may get up to stuff you're not able to control or be even aware of.
My wife and I rescued a little staffie jack from our local kennels at 5 months old, she had been dumped behind some bins. When telling my mother we had got a staffie her response was "oh no not a staffie" well now they are the best of friends and my mother loves having her for walks. Our staffie is such an affectionate little dog and is always full of joy and happiness and hugs and licks. Ive never seen her in a bad mood and she loves playing with dogs of all breeds and also loves kids. I would definitely recommend getting a staffie as a first time dog.
We have a JRT already and we are getting a Staffy cross JRT. He is only six months old and we are looking forward to getting him. I have always loved the Staffy breed. I always feel that they are so loyal and loving. I agree with so many of the comments above, and thats the idiots on the end of the lead that give the breed a bad name.
If you have a look you'll see save the staffies blog made by me! Staffies get a bad rap because they were bred for fighting! Now it's turned into a big lie! Staffies are beautiful dogs! I've got 2 staffies! Narnal he's real name is cardnal he's a SBT and Rocket he's best friend. We got Rocket from a friend. Rocket's a SBT X Amstaff. He's really friendly to one of my friends baby! Well the nickname "Nanny Dog!" certainly does not lie! VOTE FOR THE STAFFIES!!!
We have a staffie cross who we rehomed from Dogs Trust Glasgow in 2006. She is one of our family and we wouldn't be without her. I think the problem is that pure bred staffies look a bit like pit bulls and the type of person who should never be allowed to own a pet, never mind a dog, get them to look 'hard' or for their 'street cred'. If a dog is badly treated and trained to be aggressive, unfortunatley that is what will happen.
Our staffy AKA Luna is the best dog ever, having rehomed her from Loughborough about 8 months ago she is now 18 months of age.
A wonderful companion and very much part of the family.
Luna likes nothing more than chasing her ball over the park and cuddling up to one of us of an evening.
Having a 5 year old daughter was a concern when we chose her, but she has proved time and time again that she is just a big soft lovable rogue.
Fantastic dogs if brought up correctly.
hi thier i had buster he was 9 when he died befor the new year2013 we thought we got all clear from cancer sadley he lost his fight this time was a tough little dog a realy fighter to the end very funny loved fireworks he wonted to eat them when he would chase them miss that part he thought he was a cat loved sitting on you loved going to bed under the covers with me he had a doubled pine bed every toys treats going whot moor could a staffie wonted he got rump steak finnie cod fish and jacket potatoes and loved jallopenios blame my brother for that well buster loved salad tomatoes cheese and he would even get ribeyed steak to spagboled loved it and chicken curry and few oven chips he was very spoiled staffie getting treats from my brother mates he lived the life of rhiley at his own houseand at mine house the times my brother side when he was drunk took buster for a walk both came back with a full conifer tree roots and soil they both draged it home but brought it back and dug it back in the owers was very understanding about it then another time my brother was so drunk buster would go look for him and come back with some ones christmas tree decorated buster had tinsel wrapped around him whot a site to have seen my brother was were baubles for earings fell a sleep outside some one else garden singing and buster was howling and woke owners up was 2am he and buster woke the whole street up ooops his wife had to bring them both back home and both worked up his daughter wow whot can i say buster loved every one hes left a messive gap a great big one too will never ever replace him my brother still miss him so dose his daughter she still sleeps with a photo of buster says a prays to him evry day and night and pencilher cat got knocked down the lad didnt stop the nieghbour seen it happend was alive by then she rushed out was too late an icecream van put her out of her missory know my niece miss her dog know her cat but cancer took my famliey members and then it took buster but know we own two pups brother and sister dolly and cody well cody means pillow or cussion got that right he loves cuddles and dolly loves cuddles and kisess good they still share they foods and drinks but dont like been a part from each other they both curl up to sleep together play together and they dig three big holes in the garden and they chewed plants and broken plant post just been bought they fight like brother and sister but in the end they still love each other and they love us all cody lookes like buster in other ways but hopeing to get dolly and cody used to fireworks starting off with a small fountain on bonfiernight 2013 hopefully then move onto a medium noise then up to loud noise fire work but if not like them then would keep them indoors with a pre taped for the love of dogs they love it they love responding back with barking at the tv
I got my staffy from the dogs trust in Kenilworth, he was the only one who was quiet in his kennel, when we saw his big brown eyes we took him for a walk in the meeting area and fell in love. We've had him now for 5 months and he's just turned 2.... And am currently off work with anxiety and depression and monty has been an angel, our little tan and black boy will rub himself on me and lick my face when I feel tears and bad and his trust and love that has grown so quickly from when we got him has helped my recovery.... He is well behaved,friendly, loving and people always compline this behaviour and character , apart from a tad excitable he is an ambassador for staffies everywhere at 2 .... I'm blessed to ave him in my life xxxx
I quite agree, that people usually blame Staffies in cruelty, but not their owners! Blaming an animal, which can`t talk & clear oneself is the easiest thing we can do! Of, course, the dog can`t tell us the reason of its agression and we always jump to conclusions. But, remember, there is no smoke without fire!
Hi everyone. I rescued a dog 2 years ago from a local rescue. I turned up asking for a suitable dog for my circumstances and requested something 'small' like a JRT or Yorkshire Terrier. I was introduced to Caesar - a Staffy cross. At first, largely because of the media, I was skeptical about the breed (major guilt trip). My mum has suffered from a phobia of dogs since a very young age and was very unsure about the breed too. I can proudly now say that I own not just one but two staffy crosses. Not only did Caesar change my opinion of the breed but he changed my mum's opinion of dogs in general.
Caesar now has his own rescue blog going through the ups and downs of rescuing any dog but with a particular focus on Staffys. If anyone would like a look it's at:
I`m always ready to satnd up for Staffies as I`ve a lot of facts proving that these dogs are kind, cheerful, devoted and faithful friends! It`s high time to ruin stereotypes about Staffies` cruelty & to believe they`re a great dogs!
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